Scaffold Accident Statistic – The Unspoken Warning

Scaffold accident may be seen as the secondary hazard in chemical plant. It could be understood because the use of scaffold is less frequent in operating or existing chemical plant. Scaffold is probably used if there is a construction work done in the plant site.

In addition, scaffold-related accident has higher probability to happen due to scaffold users are construction workers or construction labors who may have received inadequate safety training.

Scaffold usage could cause various accidents at work. Fall accident may become the major work accident related to scaffold operation. It could cause fatal injuries and deaths. So that’s why safety precautions on such accident at work should be given in high priority.

The Statistic

Employers have to take necessary preventive actions to stop scaffold accident through improvement of safety work permit, better scaffold check, safety talk, safety signs and safety induction program.

Another idea is to use scaffold accident statistic to warn both employers and employees. You can use the scaffold accident statistic to enhance their awareness. You can include such data as safety topic for safety talks, safety signs, safety meetings or safety posters.

According to the report of the Bureau of Labor Statistic US in 2007, 88 fatalities occurred from scaffolds. In its recent study, it was reported that 72% of workers injured in scaffold accidents were caused either by support giving away or by employee slipping or being struck by a falling object.

Meanwhile, according to that around 50 people die each year in United Kingdom because of scaffolds that have collapsed and over 4,500 are injured due to faulty or defective scaffolds.

The two scaffold accident statistics are more than enough to convey clear message that scaffold operation could cause work accident in chemical plants.