
Septic Systems: Their Problems and Maintenance

Septic tanks are designed to hold human biological waste material right until bacteria break it down into gases, solids and water. The tank itself is usually made from concrete, but can also be built from non-degradable materials. It is very important to take proper care and maintain your septic system so that they work properly at all times.

Septic Systems And Their Problems

Some of the most common problems in septic systems are the following:

Use Of Strong Chemicals : Toxic chemicals such as gasoline, motor oil, solvents, pesticides and other chemical products that are put into the drain harm the nearby soil, making it unfit for the growth of plants. They also destroy the bacteria needed to break down the waste in the tank.
Flushing Down Non-Biodegradable Items : These items never break down naturally and only fill up space. It only ups the liquid levels in the tank and causes clogging.
Too Much Water In The Tank : When there is too much water in the tank, the waste does not get a chance to break down, and this event blocks the distribution tubes.
Use Of Too Much Detergent : Overuse of detergents cause a lot of problems with your pipes and tanks as the excess residue can stick to the sides and corrode the pipes.

Septic Systems And Their Maintenance

The most important step, when it comes to maintenance, is having the tank pumped out regularly, every few years. This way, the insoluble waste is removed from the tank and so the system is left with the physical space it needs to carry out its function appropriately. A visual inspection of the tank also puts to rest worries about damage or cracks in the tank.

You Should Also Keep In Mind These Points:

• Do not pour any kind of grease down your drains as it plugs up the tubes.
• Laundry powders contain inert fillers which plug your septic system so use a liquid detergent or a gel which work better with your tanks.
• Do not park your vehicle over the leaching field, as it could cause harm to your pipes.
• Do not connect a garbage disposal to the system as food waste will fill up the tank quickly.
• Other than grass or flowers, you should not plant anything near your leaching field or else the pipes may get blocked.

These are just some of the common problems and preventive measures that you need to keep in mind when it comes to your septic tanks.

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