
Six Pack Abs – Best Exercises For Six Pack Abs

If you're wondering how to get abs and are currently on a workout that has been designed to enable you to get a six pack, you're going to want to double check it and ensure there are a few key exercises in place.

Without these exercises, it's illegally that you're going to get the results you're looking for.

While the real secret to getting six pack abs is diet – as no matter how great of muscles you have, if you've got a layer of fat covering them they still will not see, exercise does play a vital role as well.

Here are the big ones that are a 'must'.

The Plank

The plank exercise is a good one to include in each core workout you do because it really targets in the deep tissue fibers within the body.

Many times you'll work the outer abs, but will not really get deep within.

By doing the core, not only will you're the front abs which form the six pack look, but you'll also work the obliques, as well as all the muscles making up the lower back.

To increase the difficulty of this exercise, try performing it while lifting one leg off the ground and out to the side.

Hanging Weighted Leg Raises

The next exercise that's really going to pose a challenge to you is hanging leg raises.

These are fantastic to perform because, provided you do not 'swing' the body, you can ensure that it is definitely the ab muscles and hip flexors being called into play.

To increase the difficulty of the moment, you should strap weights onto your ankle, as this will provide additional resistance.

Sit-ups on an Exercise Ball with the Leg Lifted

Next, consider doing sit-ups on an exercise ball with one leg lifted off the floor, straight out in front of you.

Due to the fact that you're further reducing your base of support while doing this, it only adds to the intensity that the abs get worked.

Remember to make sure you are lifting up with the muscles though and not using the arms to pull the body up.


Finally, the last exercise, while cardio in nature, will do great things for the abs simply because of the intensity and the 'after burn' effect. After a session of hard sprints, your metabolism will really be running at a high rate, so you'll torch even more calories than before, further increasing the weight loss you experience.

So, have a look over your ab program, does it include these exercises?

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