
Splitting and Stacking Firewood

Here are some tips to make the splitting and stacking of your firewood easier. You will apply less effort if you follow these guidelines.

Tools that are needed:

  • Axe
  • Sledgehammer
  • Wheel barrel
  • Tarp
  • Old Tire
  • Splitting Wedge
  • Hard Hat
  • Google’s
  • Gloves

Before you start splitting, you need to put on your Safety Gear of a Hard Hat, Google’s, and your Work Gloves. Now that you are all geared up, you are ready to attack that pile of wood that you have in front of you.

A good suggestion to make your splitting easier and simpler would be to use a small Old Tire.

First find a flat area where you can lay it on the ground, then stand a log upright in the center of it. Now take the axe which hopefully you have sharpened before you decided to get the Firewood split, and bring it down with force in the center of the log. This will make the piece split in half hopefully if you applied enough energy into it. Some of the pieces may be hard to break through, this is where you will need to apply the Splitting Wedge into the cut. Now take the Sledge Hammer and drive the Wedge into the log.

With the tire protecting the log, all the pieces should be contained within it and not all over the ground. Also, it will give you more protection from flying debris that could hurt you or others. If part of the log is still standing up, you can split it again to make smaller pieces. Load your split wood into the wheelbarrow, then wheel it to where it needs to be stacked.

Once the logs are split, you want to bring the wood into a Shed and stack it in neat rows. If you do not have a Shed, you want to create a square post by staking the Wood up to make it look like a post. on both ends of the row. You may have a paved or gravel area where you can stack this Wood, but if you do not have an area available like that, then you should place some planks of Wood underneath the Fire Wood to protect it from rot.

Now start filling in the row where you created the Wood stack posts on either end. Once you have this row completed, you possibly will need to build more rows in order to have all your wood ready for your winter heating or camping.

Next apply a Tarp securely over the whole pile to protect the firewood from the elements.

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