The concept is rather easy, stack your weight and tilt to the target. The Stack & Tilt swing has convinced many, that this method holds the key to more consistency and power. But is this swing for everyone? Let’s look at this swing closer and what type of golfer would most benefit.
Stack & Tilt innovators Andy Plummer and Mike Bennett have pioneered a concept that is truly revolutionizing the golf swing. They have rolled out a method that has convinced some of the best golfers in the world to change their bread and butter… their swing. Not an easy task! The results have been quite astounding. Many PGA players are now either using, or considering using this swing with the same thing in mind. To gain consistency and power.
For the better player, it holds many possibilities to improve the swing. But for some, it may not quite hold as much promise…
If you are thinking of trying this swing and struggle with an “outside-in” path, a problem that plagues many beginners, you may want to reconsider. A player that struggles with a fault that results in an “over the top” swing path would probably only exaggerate the problem by changing swings. You would be better off trying to correct the fault before making such drastic changes.
If you are a better player that “hangs back” and struggles with pushes and hooks, read on. This swing definitely holds opportunities for improvement.
For the better player that already has a solid foundation and only wants to gain more distance or better control for his irons, the Stack & Tilt may be just the ticket. The swing emphasizes the “position at impact” to help improve ball striking consistency. Because the conventional swing uses a weight shift to both sides during the swing, players very often get “caught” with their weight on the back foot. This causes mis-hits and tops.
The Stack & Tilt centers your weight over the ball and promotes minimal weight shift, continually remaining centered is the goal. The result is a steeper angle of attack with a flatter and more rotational swing. This provides an element of consistency, especially with irons where your angle of attack needs to be steeper.
So if you struggle with an “over the top” swing path, correct the problem before moving onto this swing methodology. If however, you are a better player that struggles with the occasional push and/or hook, you will want to seriously consider the Stack & Tilt swing. It provides you the opportunity to add an element of consistency you may not find in the conventional swing.