
Stained Glass Tools

A number of specialized and highly honed tools are required for working with various kinds of stained glass. These tools help assist an individual in marking, cutting, smoothing, and soldering the glass. Outlined below are some of the more important tools required.

Glass cutters consist of a metal wheel supported by a brass bearing; these are is an important tool. The wheel may be made from different materials such as steel, carbide, or tungsten. The handles offer a choice of different shapes. Glass cutters are available at local hardware stores.

Glazing knives are used for cutting the lead. Standard professional glazing knives are normally used. If you are on a low budget, you can use a putty knife or any other standard knife. You will need to shape the blade into a thin curve and keep the blade sharp.

Although ordinary pliers can do the job, special grozing pliers are preferable. Grozing pliers apply even pressure on the glass and prevent cracking. Pattern shears are required for preparing paper patterns. A less expensive alternative can be an improvised shear made out of razor blades.

A soldering iron, preferably with temperature control, is another important tool. A soldering iron is available at local glass stores. An electric grinder is used for smoothing the edges of cut glass. A worktable or board and brushes for cleaning are other requirements.

Apart from the above, you will also need a number of small tools and supplies such as cleaning solution, tracing paper, pencils, razor blades, scissors, hammer, nails, adhesive paper, etc.

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