Getting affordable restaurant appliances for your restaurant business will save you a lot of money. Your capital can be spent on other things that will bring in more customers and earn you more money. One of these things you should spend more on is marketing. Buying brand new equipment won’t get you more customers or make your food taste better. No one will see what brand of stove or freezer you have inside your kitchen.
It can make you proud to have a Viking stove or Subzero cooling system in your back kitchen, but buying them won’t be a wise business decision for your restaurant business. A second-hand fridge or stove can work as well as branded equipment. Even used tables and chairs can be refurbished to look like new so you don’t have to buy new furniture. Here are some tips on how to get cheap restaurant equipment for your food business.
1. Check your paper’s classified ads for used restaurant equipment being auctioned off or sold by foreclosed restaurants or businesses that are closing. You can get a good price on these deals. Many of these used restaurant equipment are almost new but selling for half the price. It will be cheaper to buy by lot instead of by piece. So it’s best to look for these deals before buying a single piece of equipment or furniture for your restaurant business.
2. Visit food service and restaurant equipment stores. These are stores where most restaurant owners buy their stuff for less. You will find brand new equipment, tableware, furniture, and pots and pans for a huge discount. You will find many different choices in these stores, from traditional styles to modern and trendy. Another benefit to buying from these stores is you can always come back to buy the same things to replace broken plates and glasses.
3. You can also find second-hand equipment for your restaurant business on online stores. There are tons of websites that sell used equipment or even brand new ones for less than retail. The advantage of looking for them online is you get to see more choices than going to a single store near your place. You can also compare prices, delivery charges, and warranties online before you decide to purchase anything.
4. Speaking of warranties, be sure to check return policies, availability of spare parts and a service center for your appliances. You don’t want your restaurant business to be stuck with a broken freezer or stove that can’t be repaired due to the lack of spare parts. Check warranties very well and keep receipts and document you will need if you have to return something defective. Some items such as disposable food service items are not returnable.
5. Choose tough looking equipment over fancy branded kitchen tools and appliances. Don’t be fooled by the price. Some people think that more expensive restaurant equipment are more durable or works better. This is not necessarily true as some stoves for example, look crude but are many times more durable than a fancy looking designer stove.
There are some restaurant equipment worth buying cheap, but others like meat saws and sensitive equipment might be better bought from a reputable dealer. Finding a dealer who can provide reasonable prices can also be a challenge. Look for equipment for your restaurant business from a reputable dealer who can provide after sales service. Find out where veteran restaurant owners get their stuff.