Things to consider when you Plan to Build a Shed
For individuals who need more space to be allocated for storage of various kinds of equipment, to build a shed may be the most feasible solution. You need to consider particular factors when choosing storage shed plans so you can construct a shed that will surely fit its purpose and will last and stay strong for a long duration of time. Taking these factors into consideration would certainly minimize the trials and errors as you build a shed.
If you want to build a shed, the foundation of the shed will greatly determine how long your shed will last. Building a shed on a weak foundation would eventually end up as a wasteful investment. An on-grade foundation is highly recommended to make sure that the base of the shed would be durable and strong. You can use solid concrete blocks or wood timbers that have had treatment with pressure. These wood timbers can be set directly at the ground. These wood timbers and concrete blocks are also known as skids. These skids should be leveled. The space of these skids should be close enough to one another to make the frame of the floor sturdy.
Solid concrete blocks instead of hollow wall blocks should be used. Hollow wall blocks are not advisable because they tend to crack easily. If you pick a good set of storage shed plans they will detail the types of permanent foundations which are necessary for larger sheds with a size of 200 square feet and above.
Wet and low-lying areas would not be good places to build a shed. You should check the site’s exposure to occasional rainwater runoff. If you detect an exposure, the blocks or the timbers should be set on 2 to 4 inches of gravel. This step is highly recommended as a prevention of and protection from erosion.
Protecting the wood
The worst enemy of wood is water. The accumulation of excessive moisture can bring detrimental effects to several parts of the structure such as the framing, doors, floors, and hinges. Excessive moisture can also cause the development of molds and mildew.
The lowest wood member used in the structure is called the mudsill. According to most good storage shed plans the mudsill should be placed at least 6 inches above the ground to prevent the accumulation of excessive moisture and to allow adequate airflow. Around the other parts of the shed, a minimum of 2 to 3 feet should be left empty. Do not build a shed too close to trees and walls that may block off the sunlight and wind. The sunlight and wind are beneficial in keeping the shed dry. A clearance space around the shed is definitely important.
Finishing touches
Applying caulk and paint are some of the common finishing touches storage shed plans will detail when you build a shed. These finishing touches are essential because aside from enhancing the look of your shed they also strengthen the durability and weather resistance of the structure. Customizing the shed to match and complement the look and aura of your house and of your garden is also possible.
These salient details are indeed very helpful, particularly for beginners in storage shed building. These information will serve as important reminders to help you with the success of your storage shed building.