Successful B2B Social Media Plan Process… The THINK TANK

Here’s Part Two of the social media sustainability plan to help B2B companies leverage technology with Online Networking. To fully understand LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, etc, at branding companies, they highly recommend B2B corporations incorporate a quality assurance process to maximize, elevate and master these online business development tools. The top eight steps in building the plan include:

1. Research and Build a Communications Framework: Establish a corporate usage guide for engaging with your clients, prospects, team members, community and media. With a comprehensive communications protocol in place, the content generators will have a greater understanding of the firm’s core values, mission, vision, services and products.

2. Source Relevance and Popular Case Studies which are inline with Your Target Audience: Establish a set of service and or product success stories to kick off the session. Incorporate industry-related keywords and common phrases to generate side stories or “Newspegs” to keep the conversation “well-rounded” and inclusive. Engaging keywords can be also geographic and topical.

3. Brainstorm and Record Content with Your Team: A discovery session allows the team(s) to exchange numerous ideas on predetermined topics in a controlled environment. Ensure the brainstorm is highly engaging, open to all team members, and between 10:00am and 2:00pm. Enlisting the services of an experienced facilitator is recommended to tap into your team’s brand experience.

4. Develop Strategic Plan and Make Key Recommendations: The critical fourth step is the implementation phase where the framework, ideas, stories, studies, keywords, strengths, competition research, timeline, W5, etc. converge into a tactical roadmap. Each team member is delegated several tasks due in a short timeframe (to remain top-of-mind).

5. Conduct Risk Analysis and Engage with Opinion Polls and Discussions: Prior to launching your social media plan, it is recommended you assess and manage the risk of sensitive subjects/stories/insights for potential success or perceived weakness. Online polling and monitoring internet discussion boards can provide valuable feedback and opinions on current subject trends.

6. Brand Design and Create Social Media interfaces: Once the content strategy is complete, the next stage is to develop and brand the “look and feel” of the social network home pages. The consistency of verbal and visual communications is the key to establishing credibility, engaging a following, and being seen as a trusted source of knowledge.

7. Develop and Program Website Landing Pages for Social Media Stories: With the opening up of a communications channel to your firm, the next step is to provide the reader with a place to learn more about your company, its services, products, people, purpose, etc. Customized and simple landing pages are required to greet your new browsers and engage them to learn more about your firm.

8. Daily, weekly, monthly maintenance with ongoing improvement: Keep a lookout for new hi-tech methods of relevant and popular information gathering and social media sharing. Monitor your case studies, success stories and newspegs to ascertain the level of popularity. Manage change for the better and celebrate successful campaigns with your team… All for One and One for All!