If you are a motorhome owner or are contemplating purchasing one in the near future there a few things you need to think about. You may be yearning for days of the past when you enjoyed being under canvas and travelling around the country stopping when and where you felt like. Being able to take your motor home is a more comfortable way of still seeing the country but in living conditions that are more comfortable than those old days under canvas.
If you enjoyed going to festivals around the country in your youth then having a motor home instead of a tent provides you with all the fun and being part of the atmosphere the festival provides without the basic living of camping. In your motor home you can shower and make your early morning tea in comfort.
Obviously you will need to think about insurance cover and the type of policy you need to have. Many motor home owners rent out their vehicles for festivals and the like and are often not aware that the standard insurance policy does not cover them for hiring out purposes.
Although you may feel that renting out your motor home for a short time will not be a problem things can often occur that are unexpected. One case heard of recently was with a motor home at a famous UK festival where the awning had been left up after enjoying breakfast only to find that later in the day a heavy downpour happened and the awning had filled with water, split and twisted the frame. The cost of replacing the awning was about £1000 and was uninsured as the policy the owners had did not cover the hiring out of the vehicle.
It therefore always pays to check exactly what the policy you have chosen covers and to check that it includes the items that could be important to you.
If you are not using your motor home yourself then it is a very nice and kind act to let family or friends use it but it is very advisable to check with your insurance broker to confirm the exact cover you have. To add other peoples names to the policy is not a problem and gives you the reassurance that you are adequately insured. You are then able to relax in the knowledge that although your motor home is with some one else you have the appropriate insurance cover for all eventualities.