
TCA Tattoo Removal – Removing a Tattoo on a Hand

Removing a tattoo is a little bit more difficult than most people think. There are a number of factors that go into removing tattoos. How old is the tattoo, how well the tattoo was applied to the skin, what kind of ink was used, was the ink high or low quality, is it a colored tattoo, is the skin around the area still tight or is it loose. These are just a few examples of the factors that can effect how easy or difficult it can be to remove a tattoo.

Of the most difficult places to have a tattoo removed from is the hand. You are constantly using your hands, washing your hands, and doing the things that everyone basically does. For this reason, if you want to remove a tattoo from the hand, you have to use a method that is going to give you some freedom.

One of the easiest and most popular methods for removing tattoos is TCA tattoo removal. It doesn’t require any painful lazers, there is no down time like there is when you lasers, you don’t have to have a doctor apply TCA, and you don’t really have to make any particular accommodations for your hands during or after you apply TCA to your skin.

Basically in a nutshell, all you have to do is A) clean your hand with some acetone or rubbing alcohol. Apply the TCA to the tattoo on your hand and let it sit for about 5 minutes. You will want to continuously apply it to keep the area wet with TCA. Make sure that you are not putting so much on that it runs down your arm or off of your fingers. If it does, simply dry it off promptly and rinse it will cool water.

Once you have applied the TCA for 5 full minutes and the area has turned a cloudy whitish color, you apply the neutralizer that dissipates any discomfort you may feel. The hand is very important to most people’s day-to-day life and so fully removing a tattoo from your hand can mean a world of difference in your professional world.

You don’t need to wear a glove or anything like that, no special lotions are needed, and you don’t have to wear band-aids or anything, just keep the area as clean and dry as you can. It is expected that it will get wet in the shower but other than being in the shower, try and keep your hand dry at all times as this will help to continue to dry out the skin. It will take about 2 to 3 weeks for the skin to peel off. Once the skin has fully shed, give it about 1 week and then you can repeat the process. You will probably have to repeat the process about 6 to 8 times over 6 to 8 months in order to fully remove the tattoo. You be the judge of your own skin. If you have shed all the dead skin from a previous application and want to wait an additional few days before your next application, then feel free.

Once your tattoo is about 50% gone, you can cover it up with light makeup. It will hardly be noticeable if at all.

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