Ten Headphone Attributes You Cannot Do Without

Be it headphones or headsets, wired headphones or wireless editions, over the ear capsules or on the ear cans, there are certain things that remain the same whatever be the make/ the design/ the brand. Compromising on them in any which way or trading them for something else can cost you dearly; it can make the coveted music accessory fail on many counts, turn infinite pleasures into unnecessary worries and render it useless. Here is a low down of ten headphone attributes that you cannot do without and never overlook while purchasing the accessory:

  • Superior sound quality – However fancy and overwhelming the layout might be, the headphones ought to deliver a crisp and energetic sound. They need to be equipped with high output drivers produce rich in bass and high on energy audio.
  • Ambient noise attenuation- Ambient noise attenuation or noise cancelling attribute is imperative as well. Its absence can result in broken concentration levels, disturbed music listening experience and interrupted conversations.
  • Ergonomic design- Headphone design is integral and has to be ergonomic to enhance productivity and minimise discomfort.
  • Scratch/ water resistant- Agreed, not all headphones available in the market are scratch resistant or water proof. But in order to make your accessory last long and protect it from rain, sweat, humidity and rough handling, you cannot afford to get away without it.
  • Proper fit- The headphones/ ear buds ought to provide a secure fit. They might otherwise come off the ears and you might end up losing/ breaking them.
  • Comfort, flexibility- Undoubtedly one of the most important features, the headphones have to be flexible and high on comfort. It may otherwise mar the entire music listening experience and give you a crick in the neck.
  • Strong and durable- Reinforced cables, good quality metal headbands/ cans and a tough demeanour proves to be effective as well.
  • Unhindered audio transmission- The headphones, especially if they are wireless and a have a separate docking station, need to be synonymous with seamless connectivity
  • Compatibility- An attribute that is more often than not ignored and regretted later on, the headphones need to have a jack that is compatible with multiple systems, Audio Visual systems installed in gyms and portable music players.
  • Warranty- Last but not the least, the headphones must carry a warranty of 2 years from the manufacturer’s end, even if it is limited. It can help you save a lot of money when misfortune strikes.