It's not about being the most dominant guy. It's about being the most creative guy and taking risks. Creativity comes before dominance because the creative guy can adapt to situations and make things fun and pull people into an emotionally driven world. The creative guy can create dominance by taking risks.
Rule # 1
Get Her Laughing
My number 1 rule in text messaging a girl for the first time is to get her laughing. Usually I do not like to even get someone on the phone it's either meeting up with someone or text messaging.
The Use of Cliffhangers
Do you ever wonder why women always watch drama filled TV shows on the LIFETIME network or even prime time TV? It's because all women love drama whether they admit to it or not, in fact most women will say to your face that they despise drama despite the fact they are creating whirlwinds of it in their own lives, like moths to a flame they can not help the irresistible urge to go to where the drama is.
The key is to create positive drama in your life. Positive Masculine drama is what I like to call the "what is he gonna be up to next" effect when you constantly have things going on in your life (real or perceived) you are creating the positive male energy that women crave.
Here are some example text messages I have used in the past:
"WOW, I can not believe" – (use this example if you are stuck on getting a response from a flaky woman, this will always get a response of some sort)
The MASS Text Message
– If you already have a presence or personality particularly if you are in college on campus you can use this one a lot more and without discretion, just make sure the things are texting are cool and sound fun otherwise you will be considered social spam – just made that up.
The Mass Text Message is one to be used sparingly and it also must seem that this text message could have been interpreted as a single private message so as an example you could say something like "hey, everyone is going down to the * bar * tonight would like to see your face there! "
After you get the girl to commit something to the conversation you can use "The WAITER" technique which is basically used to make the girl wait for a response from you wait until it gets to a hook point (it must be something significant) and then simply sit on it and do not respond for up to 4-6 hours depending on the level of commitment you have from the girl use this technique sparingly.
The Innuendo
Use this one sparingly as well but one thing you can do is use words like come and get off in a minority (not sure what he means way) If she mentions it in a sexual way say back to her in a PLAYFUL way
that she should really get her mind out of the gutter.