
Text The Romance Back

Texting is the new wave of the future and it is all about flirting your way inside the heart and mind of the one you love.

You may use text messaging to send and receive information but did you know that you can use it to turn your relationship around overnight?

With just a few well placed texts, you could re-ignite the passion in your relationship, increase his attraction, make him miss you, and fall in love over again.

When you both met, it felt awesome. The feelings of attraction was very strong and he seemed to be really into you but now it feels as though your relationship has stalled. What went wrong?

There are a lot of myths around why men aren’t romantic and I’m gonna help you understand the real reason why your man isn’t really motivated to be romantic with you and how to get make him a romance addict.

Men are really wired to please women. Your man wants to please you, he wants to make you happy but most women don’t know what to do after the honeymoon phase of the relationship is over. A lot of women just accept that this is how relationships are when two people have been together for some time. But this isn’t true. And all of the ideas you read in magazines about him not being romantic isn’t necessarily true either.

In order to turn your relationship around, you have to get him from feeling distant and frustrated to motivated. This could mean the difference between your relationship fizzling or it being hotter than ever.

Your boyfriend or husband has an inner switch that you may not have known about and if you are able to push this inner switch, you can get him to be romantic at command. One of the ways you trigger this switch is through curiosity. You can send him a text message that will get his attention fast. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be sexting him.

Here are words that will get his attention fast:

1. “Boy oh boy, don’t you have some bad boy under that skin!”

2. “Uh Oh, Here comes trouble:)

3. I’m thinking about what it’s like when you kiss me there…”

Be careful with how you frame your messages though. You have to use emoticons to convey your mood and know what to say next to keep the momentum going. Without knowing the exact words to say, you could end up killing the romance instead of turning up the heat.

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