
The Art Of Detachment

Principle – "Learn to free your heart and mind from unnecessary stress and strain by incorporating the art of Detachment. Your blood pressure and arteries will thank you for it."

Detachment, what does it mean? What does it mean to you? In the natural order of things, detachment occurs all the time. One important aspect of this article that you must know, is that people create stress in their life by thinking stressful thoughts which makes life seem stressful. Life is not stressful. Life is free-flowing and detached.

Detachment is defined as: (taken from freedictionary.com): The act or process of disconnecting or detaching; separation. Indifference to or remoteness from the concerns of others. Absence of prejudice or bias.

Now, what does this mean to you and how can you use this to apply in your life so that you can create success and excellence on your journey? It could make all the difference in the world between having success and experiencing failure. Now, one of the keys to success is not to get attached to your results. It does not matter whether they are good or not.

In other words, learn to detach from results that you receive. Do not get too caught up in the emotions of your results especially if you are not receiving what you think you should. Detach and make the necessary changes, effortlessly. Do not bitch, moan, groan, and complain how things did not go right because then, you are Attached instead of Detached. When you are moaning, groaning, and complaining, it does not change the result, it only increases blood pressure and stress. Let it go, so that you can change the variable in the formula and move forward. This is how you grow and become better and improve.

When it comes to success, celebrate, but do not get caught up into the success to where you do not improve to take things to a new level. Also, this can create stagnation which eventually will lead to failure. Remember the expression – A rolling stone gathers no moss. The same holds true for you. Keep moving forward.

The lesson from this article is to learn how to detach from the results that you receive from your efforts. Attaching too much can create a lot of stress, heartache, and pain. Look at your results, and if you need to change the formula, then change it. Do not sit around moaning how things did not go right. Learn to detach and things will become much more effortless.

I wish you well on your journey and hope that this principle can create more success and excellence in your life when you implement it.

Peace. Dana Easter El – The Doctor Of Excellence.

More keys For, tips, principles to use for your success, visit: Http://fuelforwellness.com/

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