
The Best Deals in Home Mortgages and Their Disadvantages

There are many offers of home lending options in the market. You try to choose the one that is best for you, but finding the perfect one has proved to be a highly difficult task. For this reason, all options need to be considered separately.

After the economic crisis hit, the economies of the banks in the whole world start to suffer. For this reason, banks are increasingly looking for creative ways of attractive funds from the public. The crisis and the current conditions have forced banks to create more attractive residential lending options for the customers in their intent to increase funding. Banks have chosen to modify internal processes in order to adapt to the markets exigencies. As a result the selection process for a home mortgage request is taken more carefully.

Banks want good customers with excellent mortgages. The funds from these kinds of customers are a safer bet than attracting other customers. Banks use home mortgages as a way to fund their operations and because mortgages tie the customers to the banks for many years.

Fortunately, not all the banks have decided to follow the same strategy. Moreover, competition has forced financial institutions to create better home lending options for the customers. The types of home mortgages that we are talking about are those that have competitive interest rates enough to stimulate the market and attract customers. The drawback of these home loans is their selective access.

If you are looking for home mortgage deals, you will likely find it over the internet. However, banks are still using the conventional ways to grant and present information about the home loans.

After comparing different loan offers we have chosen the ones that have the best references to Euribor. We also present the requirement that each of the options have. Remember not to choose an option on only one factor. We recommend that your look not only at the interest rates but also the additional costs and products that spring from each choice.

The three best home mortgage options that we have found are the following:

1. The most competitive interest rate is given by the Deutsche Bank in a residential mortgage with an interest rate of + 0.17%. In order to get this loan you need to get a credit card with a minimum expenditure of 3000 Euros a year.

2. Activa Plus ActivoBank mortgage with a Euribor + 0.22%, this rate is applicable only when the life and home insurance with the same institution.

3. The Uno-e Mortgage has an interest rate + 0.25% and only request the customers to get home insurance from the same company.

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