The Best Sex Positions For Longer Lasting Sex

Have you recently had a sexual encounter that left you thinking about how to have longer lasting sex? Don’t worry if you have, because as many as 3 out of 4 guys have this same issue.

There are many ways to have longer lasting sex (some good ways and some not so good) and one of the excellent and natural ways to have longer lasting sex is by utilizing the best sex positions to maximize your running time as well as maximizing both you and your partner’s sexual pleasure.

The Best Positions to Last Longer In Bed

1st – “The Surreptitious Female Rider”

Having your girl mount you during sex is a phenomenal way to enjoy longer lasting sex. Here is why: Since you can be much more relaxed and stress free, you will be able to control your arousal entirely.

Also, this puts her in charge. This means that you will be less likely to hammer away as if you are trying to quickly get to the finish line. You know what I mean – when you get going it feels so good we instinctively thrust harder and quicker. This won’t happen with her atop.

2 – “The Reversing Female Rider”

This works really well too. In both of these positions the guy is more relaxed. What is great about being relaxed is this: it makes it easier for us to squeeze our kegel/muscles (the muscles that you would squeeze to stop the flow of urine whilst going number one). These muscles help control orgasm in men, particularly if you do a regular exercise routine.

So, next time you want to enjoy longer lasting sex, try these two sex positions to help you last longer in bed.

How Would A Position Change Help A Guy Last Longer During Sex?

This can be helpful in 2 ways:

A. Most of us know that women like men that take charge. So, when you take initiative and suggest or initiate a position change, it shows that you are the dominant man that so many women love.

B. It will give you a brief break whereby reducing your stimulation momentarily.

So, to have longer lasting sex, try using at least two of your best sex positions.

Additionally, you may want to explore the possibility of retraining yourself both mentally and physically to last longer in bed. I’d recommend a step by step guide to help erase the negative impact of your previous short lived encounters. It will do wonders for your sex life.