The “Horrors of Circumcision” is a group of articles that are intended to help explain to men and women the unfortunate and damaging effects that circumcision poses for the human male penis. This particular article will discuss the negative impact of “Penis Blindness” in the male who is circumcised. Hopefully such articles will help illuminate and educate people as to the horrible and unnecessary effects that a man suffers when his foreskin is removed in the process of circumcision.
It is possible to “see” without vision. People who have lost their optical abilities to see, will tell you that they now “see” the world through hearing, touching, smelling,and other senses.
This is the same way that the uncircumcised penis is able to “see.” Especially so that it can “see” inside of the vagina. That may sound a bit far-fetched, but it’s the truth.
The foreskin has some very special nerve receptors that aren’t hardly prominent on any other portion of the penis or the body. These are fine touch sensory receptors. These are like the fine touch receptors in your fingertips that allow you to feel very fine differences on the surface of anything you touch. These aren’t deformative sensors, vibration sensors, or temperature receptors, but are very fine sensors that are used for very fine and minute tactile sensation.
The only other area of your body, apart from your fingertips, in which these very fine tactile sensors appear is in the human male foreskin. Well, actually, they are found in the pancreas, too, but no one seems to understand why they are present in the pancreatic organ.
Why on earth would the body have such fine tactile sensors in the foreskin? It seems crazy at first, but it makes more sense once we think about it for a moment. Such fine tactile sensors are utilized by the penis to pick up very fine changes and differences in the vaginal landscape. As we mentioned earlier, regarding people who have lost their optical abilities, that they can “see” with other parts, systems, organs, or senses of their bodies. This is how the foreskin is able to “see” inside of the vagina. There are other methods which allow the penis to “see” inside of the vaginal canal, including stretch and deformation receptors, that are triggered when the vagina helps compress or stretch out the penis. But, to determine the really “fine” aspects of what is going on in the vaginal landscape, the foreskin provides the sensory receptors to allow men to do this.
What happens in the man who is circumcised, is that he loses this ability of fine “touch” and perception that allows him to “see” inside of the vagina. So, during the sexual act, a circumcised penis gets, so to speak, “lost in the dark” and is unable to truly “feel” and “see” the vagina as his penis was originally intended to do. This leaves the circumcised man experiencing a less perceptive and less dynamic form of sexual activity. They say that “God is in the Detail,” or “The Devil is in the Details.” What these phrases mean is that even the smallest details are important to properly understand, solve, accomplish, or perceive something. Again, with great misfortune, the circumcised male is robbed of the detective aspect of “seeing” these vaginal details through the penile-vaginal sexual act. In other words, a man who is circumcised won’t likely every get to really “feel” or “see,” with his penis, what the sexual act has to “share” with him. Or, another way of looking at it, the circumcised male is not able to illuminate the vaginal darkness as he was originally equipped to be able to properly experience.
Georg von Neumann