
The Ecological Benefits of Bamboo Flooring

Forests are disappearing at a rate of almost 1 million acres each week. This staggering speed of deforestation is forcing many world lumber companies and governments to rethink their manufacturing policies and business practices. A 70-75 foot tree that is cut for lumber can take up to 65 years to replace. Bamboo, on the other hand, is considered the world's fastest growing plant and can be replaced in less than three months. Some species of bamboo can grow 3 feet per day.

There is a high consumer demand for green products that are environmentally friendly, durable, affordable and attractive. When given the choice of using high quality, ecologically friendly building materials over traditional products, consumers are overwhelmingly choosing products of a sustainable and environmentally conscious variety.

In general, the public is becoming more and more aware of the rapid decrease and reduction of hardwood forests and the threat that deforestation can pose to a delicate ecosystem. Bamboo flooring is a great choice for those who wish to not contribute to destruction of such an integral part of our global ecology. It is termite, rot and moisture resistant and functions as a top-notch flooring material.

There are many types of bamboo flooring available for to suit each homeowner's unique style. Distressed bamboo floors have an antique look. Strand woven bamboo has a hybrid grain between wood and bamboo and is extra resistant. Laminate bamboo flooring is ideal for rooms with varying humidity, like a basement.

A bamboo field can produce up to 30% more oxygen than a hardwood forest of similar size, while removing toxins from the soil and preventing erosion. It also helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Because bamboo is a type of grass, it can regenerate itself without replanting after harvesting. Since it is the fastest growing plant on earth, bamboo is quickly becoming a popular source for efficient and sustainable building materials.

Bamboo has a wide root system, making it a natural water control blockade. It reduces rain runoff, thereby preventing erosion. Bamboo can store water within its shots and, because of its nitrogen consumption, can prevent water pollution. Often times, bamboo will be grown near wastewater from livestock farms and sewage treatment facilities because of its cleaning and detoxifying properties.

Traditional hardwood forest lumber such as maple, birch and oak take almost 50 years to be renovated. That, in turn, causes less oxygen to be produced, less greenhouse gases to be consumed, and more erosion and runoff in the cleared land. Instead of depleting our natural resources and contributing to a failing ecosystem, choose bamboo. It is the logical and environmentally friendly choice for flooring in a modern home.

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