
The Emptiness Inside Searching for a Home

Everyone feels it at some stage. There is a black sort of feeling that comes over one from within. It's like an emptiness, loneliness, or an exotic experience that may be one or all of these things. The question is what does one do about it? Can it be erased with activity or entertainment? Will it subside after sex or a good dinner? Do friends help or a party where one gets drunk? Maybe it's something for which no one has an answer?

There are times when such a feeling comes over me and then the realization that something in my life is not right. That's when reaching out to the Spirit helps. Taking it as a warning of an incident that will bring bad news my reaction is to instantly rebuke it, get it out my mind, and occupy myself with the things that bring better thoughts.

What this means is that something within one is stressed. In my experience that is the Spirit calling out for attention. All too often when it is ignored bad things will happen, such as the death of a loved one, or an accident. The reason is not always obvious but sometimes it is related to behavior. the conflict between our minds and spirit is at play here.

To put this a better way those who are linked to God have a duty to maintain that channel. When it gets blocked the Spirit leaves and the emptiness or void that brings about related to tragedy.

Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe, the real God, the knowledge given to me enables questions like this to be answered. When led to research the origin of religion and the World Order it led me to the roots of such in the evil of the Islamic system, which has so influenced the world that reality is hidden behind a wall of deceit.

When people engage in that deceit, be it through religion, politics, or money-making ventures, the emptiness inside grows. Anxiety takes over and stress is compounded. The reaction of those affected is to do more of the same, be that running a business, praying to false gods, or delving into other things, like attending meetings and contributing to the deceit.

Many think that money is a solution to these problems and so they turn to gambling, theft, or other ways of getting it, such as drug trafficking. The end result is always disaster as what they thought would make them feel better actually makes them worse.

We can not run from the little voice inside, although most believe we can. We can not change the plan of God nor throw anything in the way of its success. The efforts by mankind to influence the output has replied in the way the world is today. It stands on the precipice of destruction and the weapons, climate change, and other things are the results of man.

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