
The Forgotten Rooms When Staging Your Home For Sale – The Basement

In 1973 a film entitled “Don’t Look in the Basement” was released. It was originally entitled “The Forgotten” in reference to the ignored patients of an insane asylum, but someone thought it would attract more movie goers with a new title. After all, basements can be creepy.

Dark, dank and dirty is what usually comes to mind, never mind those hidden corners where something just might pop out!

Well, perhaps “The Forgotten” was an appropriate name after all, since basements are one of those areas in a home that is often overlooked when staging a home for sale.

Basements, whether finished or unfinished, add valuable square footage to the house.

Basements should receive as much attention as the rest of the house when it comes to the Must Do’s of staging:

The same goes for other areas in a basement: home office, media room, workspace, arts and crafts space. Make sure each area is clearly designated.

Buyers expect the basement to be dark and dirty. Why not surprise them with a clean, bright, organized and neat space? The buyers will also perceive that you are the type of homeowner that takes care of things and doesn’t neglect the ongoing maintenance of the house.

Basements are one of the often overlooked spaces when staging a home for sale. Since basements add extra square footage to the house, it’s important that they look their best to potential buyers. Here are some things you can do to get them in “show ready” condition.

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