The Four Most Common Styles of a Mortar Joint

Marking an overall surface area of 17% of the whole brickwork, the mortar joints play a substantial role in accentuating the appearance of the masonry. The color, shape and form of the joints in the brick units are all very important factors in building up the final look. Due to the strong influence of the mortar joints, many profiles have been developed and designed. In some of the walls, the mortar is kept recessed while in others it is protruding out. It can also be made in a way that the bricks and joints are at the same level, forming a homogenous, smooth surface. The most common styles which are used by Pointing services are flush, bucket handles, weather struck, recessed or raked and keyed joints. The formation of the specified type of joint can be done at the time when the bricks are laid. The joints can be left untouched to be formed by the pointing later on when the brickwork has hardened. The excessive mortar is skimmed off with the help of a trowel. To do this, the trowel is kept at an angle under the extra mortar and it is cut off. The trowel should not scrape off the brickwork. After that the mortar joints are given the proper shape.

Flush Joint: This type of joint is completely merged down with the brick. The bricks and the mortar are kept at the same level without any recession or protrusion. It does not require any shaping or extra work but only requires the trimming of extra mortars. After the bricks are placed, the mortar is wiped off with the help of a cloth or a tool. This style does not show much resistance to water penetration as the surface is not compacted or tamed. In the Repointing, it is used for the bricks which have lost their sharp edges and are not suitable for any other type of joinery.

Recessed Joint: In the recessed joint, the mortar is scraped down and the edges of the bricks are protruding out. The depth of the mortar defines fine edges of the bricks and imparts a unique appearance. For a visually attractive brickwork, the depth of 5mm is considered as the best choice but there are masonry works in which the mortar is more recessed. Since this type of joinery obstructs the flow of water down the bricks, the masonry gets wetter and there are more chances of water penetration or the seepage. It is advisable to compact the mortar to increase its water penetration but the surface can be left rough. The tools which are used in this type of joinery are wheeled jointure, square edge jointure and a slipper iron. This style is famous for Georgian and Victorian brickwork but it is not recommended in the areas with heavy rainfalls.

Weather Struck: This style has the most promising ascetic results and the façade looks neat, properly done. The play of lights and shadows accentuates the look of the brickwork. The inset edge is kept at around 2mm depth than the brick and the forward edge is at the level of the brick. The skillful use of the trowel is the key in producing the right results. The edges of the brick must be well formed and repairs must be done with Brick repair services. Since this art requires a lot of time and patience, it is more expensive and less prevalent. The direction of the joint style is kept the same throughout to present a well-organized look. The thickness and pressing of trowel blade are very important factors and this is why it can only be done by experienced masons. The slope of the mortar must be smooth and well formed. Other than its strong visual appeal, it is also resistant to hard weather condition.

Bucket Handle Joint: This joint style is also called as concave joint and the mortar is recessed in the brick in a round shape. A half circled jointer is used and it is pulled along the edges of the mortar. Other than this, pipes or specially designed metallic tools can also be used. Brick cleaning services will be needed to clean off the dirt on a regular basis which accumulates inside the joint. The tool must be the same throughout the masonry to achieve an even look. The mortar must be compacted but it must be left a bit rough to give a more attractive look.