
The Lucinda Bassett Attacking Anxiety and Depression System

The Lucinda Bassett program includes:

o 16 Audio Cassettes or CDs

o 3 Coaching Videos or DVDs

o A 250-Page, 15 Chapter Guidebook

o 16 Handy Reference Cards

Although I tend to prefer downloadable items (I don’t like to wait) the Lucinda Basset program is worth the wait. The package definitely delivers value; it is professionally put together and is quite impressive.

Ok, there’s some slick packaging… what’s it got under the hood?

The Attacking Anxiety and Depression program was developed by Lucinda Bassett and Phillip Fisher, M.D. from over 17-years of Midwest Center therapy groups.

The program is based on cognitive-behavioral modification. In a nutshell, it is intended to teach you to recognize the thoughts, behaviors, and reactions CAUSING your distress and then show you how to change these negative, anxiety-producing habits.

A lot of what has made this program so popular and effective is the way it is structured and presented.

The methodology of using an audio/video teaching format allows you to listen to the material over and over, at your own pace. The ultimate goal of the program is to teach you to rely on your own skills through the recovery.

The Lucinda Basset workbook, CDs and DVDs show you how your current thinking and reacting are causing your stress, anxiety and depression and then it shows you a different way to look at life and how to react to the stressors in your life.

The program is very deliberate, step-by-step, week-by-week, showing you how to begin dismantling your old destructive patterns and replacing them with more healthy, compassionate habits.

Attacking Anxiety and Depression is Clinically validated and used in hospitals, clinics, universities, by a network of psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and by the number one ranked HMO in the country, Group Health.

Either Lucinda Bassett is just an incredible marketer or she actually has something “real” going… she has the second longest running infomercial of all time and has been featured on Oprah, Regis, Montel Williams, Maury Povich, The View with Barbara Walters, Reverend Schuller’s Hour of Power and has been published in Prevention, Family Circle, Longevity, The Journal of Clinical Psychology, and more.

You can try the program by Lucinda Bassett free for 30 days

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