
The Meaning of Printing in Handwriting Analysis

How we connect our letters gives information on how we connect with other people.

When we don’t connect our letters, as is the nature of printing, we have trouble with our interpersonal relationships because, at the personality level, there is no true desire – or ability – to “bond” or “connect” intimately with another.

Printers are slow, methodical, creative, and intuitive. They plan through all the steps of a project, detailing each step thoroughly. They are open to the influence of the moment which results in their being impulsive and emotionally vulnerable.

Printers observe everything in their environment, as they are alert and even hyper-vigilant. They see the big picture and prefer to work with the conceptual view rather than having to deal with the details. They will work with the details until it is clear in their mind, then they are on to the big picture.

Generally, printers are:

Printing is a facade writing (applies to those that need to print in their careers – such as architects, etc.) so you may not be aware of these qualities in the individual. You are more likely to see the surface charm, or the role of “the wise one.”

Beneath the facade is the pain, fear and anger from early life.

Because he was able to detach from painful feelings early in life and stay on a more mental plane to develop, he is generally intelligent. His intelligence and creativity allow him to devise a most persuasive facade.

Printers are individualists that often have trouble in their relationships. Personality conflicts consistently found in writing with extreme disconnectedness (printing is totally “disconnected” writing) are egocentricity, self-isolation, contact difficulties, ambiguity and sensitiveness resulting from unbalanced drives, inferiority feelings, nervous difficulties. These writers are highly inflexible. A research study supported that printers tend to be more controlled and less flexible than cursive writers. When a printer is in relationship, often he will do something to spoil it and may not understand his actions.

If printing is simplified and direct (no elaborations) it signifies his direct approach to business and directness in communication. His disconnections reveal his emotional isolation and difficulty in close interpersonal relationships, i.e. his disconnections from others.

Because they need control over their emotions, they often end up partnering/marrying someone that ‘does the emotions” for them. An example of this is Princess Diana’s writing, which is that full, rounded, and emotionally immature example.

Printers are often very anal-retentive meaning that developmentally they got stuck at the period in life around approximately 18 months – 3 years old. Difficulty moving through this stage can result in a person that is rigid, obsessed with details, and needs control. Often, too, this person has difficulties with their gastrointestinal and elimination systems as an adult. The holding in of emotions results in constipation – and all the issues that go along with it!

If you have a printer with large capital letters you have a very difficult person to try to relate to, let alone build a quality interpersonal relationship with! If the size of the writing is small it magnifies all of these traits.

In today’s society it seems as it the majority of young adults are printing – possibly not even knowing cursive. This goes hand in hand with the inability of many to not really connect. While there are many forms of communication – texting, computer, etc. – most people are not truly connecting on a meaningful, interpersonal level! Communicating is not the same as “relating.”

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