Plastic surgery is surgery designed to change the appearance of the body, to alter or rejuvenate it in some way. It is performed often but not exclusively on the face. It can be purely aesthetic, or can be done to repair damage from an accident or from congenital defect.
There is also elective plastic surgery, when someone opts for surgery to change features they do not like about themselves. For instance, rhinoplasty or nose jobs where someone has the shape or size of their nose altered, are often performed as elective plastic surgery by patients who dislike the look of their current nose. Sometimes plastic surgery goes wrong, and then it can be considered bad plastic surgery.
Usually this is caused when the surgeon makes a mistake in surgery. Sometimes it is the result of poor choices before surgery, made either by the patient or the surgeon. The most obvious bad plastic surgery is facial surgery, since it is so obvious and so hard to cover up.
We have all seen examples of too-tight facelifts where the skin looks unnaturally pilled, or even asymmetrical. In some cases, there can even be paralysis of features due to nerve damage during surgery, accompanied by loss of sensation.
Some bad surgery can be corrected with corrective surgery. Some problems are very hard to fix, like botched nose jobs or rhinoplasty.
When you have a nose job to reduce the size of your current nose, if the surgeon removes too much it is then very hard to fix. A second surgery would only work if there is enough tissue left to use to correct the original mistake. For bad surgery that is not on the face, at least it is easier to camouflage the results.
A patient who has undergone botched plastic surgery may experience some very negative outcomes such as deformation, scarring, and even paralysis. This obviously does physical damage, but can also be quite emotionally and psychologically scarring. Patients tend to blame themselves and feel guilty and despent, since they made the choice of having the surgery. They may even feel punished for vanity.
Before you agree to have any plastic surgery procedure, it makes sense to check your surgeon's background. See how many procedures like the one you are contemplating that he or she has done successfully. Check to see if his former patients speak highly of their results. You also want to see if the surgeon you are considering has been the subject of any complaints or malpractice suits.