Ego is a very interesting thing, and it is even more fascinating that so many religions try to get their followers to ditch their ego, somehow expressing concern that God wouldn’t appreciate it, because he is the Supreme Being and you are merely a human and therefore, nothing. It would appear to a good many intellectuals, that this is nothing more than a ploy to maintain authority. Or to ask for sacrifice and giving up “self” in the name of the greater good and the cause of yet another, namely the appointed cleric or pastor, or priest of the church.
It is somewhat interesting that there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with Ego, as it allows you to accomplish things, and believe in yourself. Maintaining a high self esteem and a high level of confidence gives the individual the trust in self they need to accomplish and achieve. So, is Ego the ultimate goal of the human mind? It’s hard to say but if you like to ponder thoughts like this I can recommend a very good book to you. The name of the book is;
“Philosophy; The Ultimate Ego,” by Harry Binswanger
In this book it thoroughly goes through all the potential side topics of ego, and rationalizes the need for ego and why it’s so important. Better yet, the author suggests that the engagement of philosophical thought, and belief that one can rationalize, understand, and solve problems in the philosophical realm could indeed be the ultimate ego. And that indeed in and of itself is a very interesting consideration.
One thing I liked about Harry’s comments, were that they seem to be in-line with the theory of objectivism, and the comments of Ayn Rand, my favorite capitalist philosopher. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this.