
The Vagina – Know Your (Or Your Partner's) Anatomy

The Vagina and even the word seems mystical.

Most of a woman's sexual organs are internal, rather than external, but we shall examine the vagina, and what leads to it, and what it leads to. This is a really then an examination of a woman's sexual organs.

The External Areas

Leading to the vagina, one must begin with the "mons pubis" or mound of Venus. This is some fatty tissue that is just benefit the woman's pubic hair, and this pillow cushions the area during intercourse.

Next is the clitoris, and although considered an external element of the woman's sex organs, the greater part of it is internal.

The clitoris could have considered a miniature penis, as it contains as many nerve endings as penis does. It is very sensitive to stimulation, and during sexual excitation, the clitoris swells (as does a penis), and becomes even more sensitive.

Constant stimulation to a clitoris will generally result in an orgasm. Strangely, the clitoris when stimulated can retract internally even more than it is when un-stimulated. The actual clitoris extends all the way to the vagina.

There are two sets of "lips" called Labia Majora and Labia Minora. The Labia Majora (larger lips) act to protect the opening of the vagina and the urethra opening.

The Labia Minora again cover the opening of the vagina, but these secret a lubricating liquid called 'sebum' to facilitate the entry of the penal. Also these lips tend to shelter the clitoris.

The last external area is call the perineum, and this is the area (also sensitive) between the opening of the vagina (called the vulva) and the anus.

The Internal Components of a Woman's Sexual Organs

The vagina itself is the connecting area from the vuva to the cervix.

The vagina itself is where the penal is placed at intercourse, and it has its own very sensitive area called the g-spot (about 2 to 3 inches inside and on the top side of the vagina).

The vagina is smaller than a penal, but is very flexible and can accommodate sanctions of very large sizes. The penis itself though can not travel further than the opening of the cervix.

The Cervix is ​​the connecting area to the uterus.

The uterus is the area where fertilized eggs will lodge themselves and grow into the fetus (the immature child).

The last part of the woman's sexual organs are the ovaries (which correspond to a man's testicles) as they make eggs, and the female hormone estrogen (along with progesterone and even small amounts of testosterone!). Connected to the ovaries are the fallopian tubes.
The Fallopian Tubes receive fertilized eggs and sperm (if present) where the eggs become fertilized.

Care of the Vagina

This is a very large subject, but generally, there are some rules which apply to "partners" and will tend to keep the vagina and the partner's penis healthy.

1. Use condoms if you can, and always with new partners.

2. Should your partner wish to insert fingers into the vagina, it would be well advised to keep their hands very clean, trim their fingernails very low and be careful not to have any sharp areas on the fingernails.

3. Before a sexual encounter, a shower or bidet wash is advised, and certainly after the sexual encounter.

4. Be very careful of bacterial and yeast infections. To prevent them, one should not allow vaginal and anal penetration with the same condom. After any anal penetration (either with a penis, finger or toy), it must be thoroughly washed before being placed in a vagina.

5. Women must take a great care in their personal hygiene, and after defecation, wipe themselves in a single direction motion only, always away from the vagina towards the anus.

For additional care, each woman is well advised to consult their gynecologist, and establish a hygienic care program.

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