
Three Organizing Ideas to Cut Clutter in Your Home

Going home to a clean and organized home is one of the most relaxing things in the world. It eases stress and makes you feel good. This is also probably one of the reasons why television shows like Clean House and other home organization shows are often popular these days. However, maintaining a spotless home and avoiding clutter is not really the easiest thing to do. We constantly accumulate stuff, so in order to avoid drowning in clutter, it's very important to maintain a certain level of organization in our homes. With this, let me share some of the best home organization ideas that you can do in your own homes.

1. Organize your drawers. I'm pretty sure at some point, you've uttered the line "I know it's in here somewhere." while rummaging through your drawer at home. Drawers are like black holes. If you just take some time to run through what's inside it, you'll be surprised to find all sorts of odds and ends in there. From spare buttons to staple wires to shopping receipts to crumpled papers, you may even find a lost long earring buried under all that junk. Fortunately, you can straighten out your black hole of a drawing by repurposing unused things around the house. You can use an old ice cube tray to store your spare buttons, staple wires and little what nots. You may also use old muffin cups to keep your tiny stuff orderly and not to mention, more visible.

2. Organize your closets. Take advantage of boxes, baskets and other storage containers to keep your clothes and accessories neat and easy to find. Color coordinating your clothes is not really a must. It's really up to you if you want to want to arrange your stuff by color, by season or by kind. Do what works for you as long as you have a system which can help you make finding things much easier.

3. Organize your kitchen cabinets. The kitchen is certainly the most used room of the house, so it is important to ensure that everything is organized most especially your cabinets. The key to having an organized kitchen is to maximize your storage. If you need to pop a hanging organizer on the door, then do so. It's good to have different drawers for different stuff, like for example your baking tools go together in one drawer, your cutlery in another, and so on. It's also important to organize your refrigerator and pantry by using clear storage containers so you know if it's time to replenish your stock.

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