When it comes to choose the right bow for hunting, there are several things to consider. Along with the vast selection of bows comes a myriad of accessories. Whether you need the accessories or not is dependent upon personal choice, but it also pertains to what you will be hunting, as well as the terrain and your visibility.
Selecting a bow is as personal as selecting a hunting rifle. The durability and ease of using the weapon is just as important as your comfort and flexibility in handling it. Just as it is when purchasing a hunting rifle, you will want to select a bow that is not cumbersome or awkward for your body size. That would not only be uncomfortable, but it could present itself as dangerous also.
The styles of bows often determine speed, distance and accuracy. These are other factors to consider. Many of the accessories that are available heighten the performance of the bow, increase the chances of accuracy when aiming at your target and amplify the surroundings to increase visibility, to name a few. It is always worth checking out the accessories to see if any would be beneficial for you.
It is crucial to have accurate visibility when hunting, not only for the satisfaction of hitting the game you are aiming at, but for the safety of yourself and others. If you understand the importance of eye dominance, then you are well on your way to choosing the proper bow. If you are a novice, there is a method to determining your eye dominance. This is an important fact to know, in order to help you choose the appropriate bow. It has been proven that oftentimes, a right-handed person possesses eye dominance in their right eye and vice verse. To test this theory, select a bow and take aim (unloaded) at a potential target. Be sure you have a focal point and do not rush. When you have your target in sight, take turns closing one eye and then the other. Take note of the position of your finger. If your finger appears to still be pointing directly at your target and your right eye is closed, then suffice it to say, that your left eye is your dominant eye. The same works the other way around. If your finger wanders away from the target when you close one eye, then the open eye is not your dominant eye.
Once this is established, you can move on to consider other things before purchasing your bow. Draw length (the width of your shoulders coupled with the length of your arms) is important when it comes to comfort, consistency, and accuracy. Your draw length pertains to the differential between the drawn bowstring and the grip. The staff that handles the archery section will be able to help you with determining your appropriate draw length, so that you can purchase the ideal size bow for your body type.
Do some research on the internet and discover what other experienced hunters are have said about specific models of bows; the pros, cons and their advice. This will arm you with some knowledge that you can take with you to ask the experienced staff at the archery shop and ask them questions to help you choose the proper bow. Draw weight, brace height and axle-to-axle length are more areas to consider. It need not be overwhelming, as there are resources available to help you choose the best bow. Once informed and armed with the proper bow for you, your success and satisfaction in hunting will be greatly improved.