
Tips on Buying Cars From Japan

Japan is the best place to buy used cars mainly because cars in Japan are very carefully maintained and the Japanese roads are renowned to be the best in the world. Japan also maintains a very high standard for used cars. There are used cars in a much better condition than you would ever expect in Japan. This is because the Government discourages people to own cars more than 5 to 6 years. The older the car is the more “shaken tax” you have to pay. (A tax based on the Japanese technical car examination system) That’s why people prefer to buy a new car.

There are major auction sites across Japan putting up the best used cars, trucks, buses and vans under the hammer which sells at the best price. Buyers are constantly scouring these sites for buying used vehicles. The buyer comes in early morning on the day to hand check prospective vehicles put out for auction later that day. Once bought, the cars are then transported to a port. Once the vehicle arrives at the yard via a car transporter, it is checked by trained mechanics to make sure that only good quality used cars are dispatched to our customers overseas. One fact that has to be carefully considered is that Japanese cars are generally right hand drive vehicles.

There are lots of SUVS in Japan and a majority of them have hardly seen any dirt at all the suspension is at 90% of its original, after usage of 5-6 years. Repair costs in Japan are extremely high encouraging people to buy new vehicles rather than repair the ones in use. So you can see why Japan has the best used car market. The best way to buy a used car is off the auction houses spread out across Japan. Country side auctions are the best places to buy used cars rather than in Major cities like Tokyo and Osaka. You would have access to buying used cars cheaper than in major cities. Fukoka auction houses are recommended to enable buyers to buy them cheaper.

The vehicles are thoroughly checked to ensure there is no rust or damage to the chassis. Engines are also checked to make sure they are in good condition and the car runs well. The vehicles are a given a test run to make sure the gears are in good working order. All the necessary tests and checks are carried out to make sure the products sold are of the best possible standard in order to maintain a satisfied customer base and ensures the customers return back again if the need arises.

If the Japanese used vehicle is bound to be registered in the destination countries of Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, or Tanzania. The vehicle will have to go through a stringent JAAI or JEVIC safety inspection test. This test would cost extra it is actually an extra little bit of peace of mind as these tests are quite strict and makes doubly sure that you are getting a good vehicle. Of course, customers not in these countries can also choose to get either of these tests if they so decide. These tests, especially JEVIC include, testing of all lights, both front and back. Tyre grip depth, brakes, speedometer, emissions, constant velocity joints and rust damage.

Japan’s strict motor-vehicle inspections and high depreciation makes such vehicles worth very little in Japan after six years, and strict environmental-protection regulations make vehicle disposal very expensive in Japan and they also have very stringent vehicle emission test standards. In general, Japan is not a negotiating society, but car purchasing is an exception, so do not be embarrassed to bargain, the dealership will ask you to quote your price range, as well as make, model, and features and narrow your options down to one or two of the cars of the lot, you can still fill the form out so they can look through their not-quite-ready stock of vehicles and contact you if anything else comes in. Due to progressively escalating costs of passing the mandatory periodic vehicle inspection, cars are typically scrapped or exported for sale abroad by the time they are about 10 years old. Engines removed from scrapped vehicles are in some cases exported for sale outside of Japan. Nearly 1.4 million used vehicles were exported from Japan in 2006.

The most popular destinations for used cars are from Japan are Bangladesh, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Zambia, Malaysia, Australia, Congo, Ireland, Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, amongst many others.

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