
Tips on Concrete Tilt Up Construction

Concrete tilt up construction offers the capability to construct an extensive array of commercial buildings at much lower costs than those of distinctive masonry construction structures. Concrete Tilt-up is a method of constructing walls and panels by pouring concrete into forms on the ground, allowing them to harden, and then raising into place to form a wall.

For a tilt-up concrete building, the walls are created by assembling forms and pouring large slabs of cement called panels directly at the job site. The cement panels are then tilted up into position around the building’s slab to form the walls. Because the concrete tilt wall forms are assembled and poured directly at the job site, no transportation of panels is required.

This concept is fast becoming the most popular form of construction for manufacturing and warehouse applications. Tilt-up concrete construction is a proven method for building office buildings, retail centers, warehouses, distribution centers, call centers, manufacturing facilities and other commercial / industrial structures with speed, safety and construction cost benefits.

Some of the reasons clients opt for concrete tilt panel construction are:

• Tilt panel construction is more energy efficient and durable than its metal building counterparts.

• It is gaining quick reputation and will soon become the most sought-after form of construction for medical research facilities, distribution centers, medical research, warehousing facilities, and other such projects that involve commercial constructions and require larger square-footage.

• Concrete panels are naturally fire-resistant and therefore, are able to lead to safer designs and lower insurance premiums.

• When compared with building and other such traditional constructions, concrete tilt wall construction can help realize completion of projects within much shorter schedules.

• Besides these, tilt panel construction works best for companies having a smaller budget and a commercial contracting project. This is because it not only saves on the firm’s material costs, but also speeds up the completion of the entire project, thereby saving even more capital.

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