10. Green tea: Are you aware that taking green tea can help you burn calories? Besides burning calories, taking this beverage ensures the skin is properly hydrated. Hydration is an essential factor for great skin. Green tea can be used to treat acne and reduce sunburn. It contains useful antioxidants that can help treat and prevent certain skin diseases.
9. Soy: You can use soy or try soymilk that contains no lactose. It has been proven that the extract contains a plant compound called Isoflavones that can improve the production of collagen; thus, prevent wrinkles and inflammation of the skin.
8. Flaxseed: Including flaxseed in your daily meal can help improve your health. The body cannot break down flaxseed, so it has to be ground before you can ingest them. Flaxseed is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids; these acids are useful in preventing acne, skin rashes or irritation and dermatitis. It can also help trap moisture on the skip when applied topically; therefore, it keeps the skin hydrated.
7. Eggs: This food has been used to treat several skin problems for a very long time. The egg white can be applied on the face as a facial mask to help tighten the skin and remove blemish. It also contains essential amino acid that can improve collagen production.
6. Oatmeal: This is another essential food that can be used as a home remedy facial mask. It contains amino acids that can treat acne and other skin conditions. You don’t have to worry when using this food on your skin; it is hypoallergenic; thus, it can work on any skin.
5. Sunflower seeds: Besides being a nice snack, they are also suitable for your skin. This seed is an excellent source of vitamin E and other essential compounds that can help prevent wrinkles, dermatitis, eczema and promote healthy skin. This food also contains copper which helps in the production of melanin; this ensures your skin maintains a beautiful color and prevent the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin.
4. Yogurt: Besides improving digestion, yogurt is also good when applied as a mask on the skin. It can help improve your skin by preventing wrinkles and blemishes. It also contains ingredient that can fight or kill harmful organism found on the skin.
3. Chocolate: Many are of the opinion that chocolate is bad for our health; however, it has a lot of benefits especially the dark chocolate. It can help reduce stress, blood pressure, and also skin problems caused by stress. It also contains antioxidants that can help prevent the damage of free radicals.
2. Walnut: Walnuts have numerous health benefits. It is a good source of Vitamin B and can help prevent wrinkles, reduce the aging effect, alleviates stress and avert stress-related skin conditions. The oil can also be used as a moisturizer, thus, preventing dry skin or cracks on the skin.
1. Water: How often do you take water? Water has numerous benefits, especially on the skin. Keeping the skin hydrated at all time is important for a great/healthy skin. Many dermatological problems arise from skin dehydration; therefore, drink a lot of water (8 glasses per day) can help prove skin, remove toxins and ensure proper distributions of nutrients the body requires to maintain a healthy and great skin.