
Top 5 Facts About Concrete Pavers

Concrete pavers, also known as paving stones or simply “pavers,” are bricks made out of cement, sand, water, and some aggregate. They have many applications in the home, garden, or business. They are not only a beautiful addition to any home, but also increase the property value – they are thus an investment that benefits one’s personal and financial lives. Here are five little known facts about pavers:

1. Pavers are almost four times as strong as concrete. Even though concrete is one thick slab, the joints in between the pavers, along with the solid aggregate base below, provide extra strength to the whole. They are thus perfect for any applications involving vehicular traffic.

2. Paver installations are near maintenance free. Furthermore, if any pavers need to be replaced due to cracking, staining, or weathering, it is a simple procedure to remove the offending stone and replace it with a new one.

3. While paving stone projects are initially more expensive than those made from other materials like concrete and asphalt, over time they are actually cheaper. Other materials like concrete and asphalt need constant maintenance, and after a few seasons may develop unsightly cracks. Pavers, however, do not crack due to freezing and thawing cycles, and thus retain their beauty through time.

4. There are limitless combination of paver brands, shapes, sizes, and colors. In addition, the patterns and designs that can be created are only limited by the imagination. Unlike with other materials, concrete pavers can be arranged in winding, stately paths with exquisite circular patterns, or can be placed in a standard, rectangular patio. The flexibility of paving stones allows for any artistic expression to complement any house’s theme.

5. They are relatively easy to install, and can be done by the homeowner with the proper instructions. While there are a few things to keep in mind (such as the depth and strength of the base and the pitch, or slope, of the entire project relative to the home), it is feasible for a non-professional to install the pavers, unlike with other materials. This can save the homeowner a lot of money on labor costs.

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