Tweet Adder is a very powerful program for automating Twitter tasks. It's essential that you have a huge Twitter following to make the most and get the most out of the service, and Tweet Adder gives you the capabilities and power to do the important tasks like building a list all on autopilot.
Tweet Adder enables you to outsource your Twitter marketing to a whole other level. They have different account limit tiers so that you can connect as many Twitter profiles as you have to Tweet Adder and have them all running at the same time. This means that you can build massive Twitter followings in dozens of niches simultaneously, and if you read my posts on why you should use Twitter, you know that it's a powerful marketing and money making tool for affiliates.
Consider this list of Tweet Adder's features for more information on just a few of the different things which you can do with this powerful Twitter software:
-Automatically compile a database of users to follow based on keyword phrases which they use in their Tweets.
-Find and add users to your follow database based on keyword phrases that use in their profiles.
-Automatically follow Twitter users from your database and
-Automatically unfollow users who have not followed you back after a time period of your choosing.
-Automatically follow back users who follow you first if you like.
-Auto tweet messages, your RSS feed, replies, etc.
-Automatically send a message to every new person who follows you in which you can promote and include a link to your website.
-Set ratios of how many followers you have vs. people you're following (and vice versa) before the automated task of your choice shuts off.
-Choose time delay between automated tasks.
-Choose time range each day Tweet Adder will perform automated tasks.
It's important to make sure and use proxies when automating multiple Twitter profiles at the same time because if you're signed into and using multiple accounts at the same time it looks very suspicious and can get your accounts suspended or banned altogether. In the past you could get by using public proxies for free but Twitter has come down on those and blocked them more recently, usually because too many marketers were automating their tweeting.
Consequently it's recommended that you use a private proxy. I use Squid Proxy because it's cheap and reliable.