
Use Indoor Drying Racks – Follow Your Natural Urges

Do not hold back! Let yourself go! Go with the flow! How many times have you heard those words? He who hesitates is lost! Do not put off today … and so on. I often catch myself saying "Ah well it was meant to be" or simply in an old Scots dialect "whets for yell no go past ye". In other words fate lends a hand!

Resisting change has always been a feature of my existence preferring to leave things as they are. Call me mean if you like, but I could never rest easy using my tumble dryer with those digits on the electricity meter racing round. For a long time it seemed there was little alternative until I observed the joy of having a wall mounted drying rack in my utility room. It was curiosity that did it. I chose a 100 cm wide model with fold out arms. It expanded out some 40cm, and accepted 12kg of spun dried washing. This proved to be completely capable of taking a full washing load. The clothes discharged quickly since it was positioned over a radiator.

For years I had preached the virtues of retained heat in the oven for cooking long after the oven was switched off. Now I would get more for my money from the household heating by naturally drying the clothes on the airer.

Soon I delided in the fact that I could remove items as they rented and make room for more. My family quickly cottoned on and the wall mounted drying rack became a central drying point for us all. Occasionally I decided to order a second airer. I chose a concertina expanding model, which I had mounted just one meter above the first. I could easily pull out or retract it with a rod or on a fixed little stool we have. Now I was really motoring with my laundry. I hung shirts, blouses even dresses on hangers and only used the energy hungry tumble dryer for dire emergencies. The benefits were obvious as the list grew:

The natural drying cycle is a little different. It makes us carbon neutral every time we use it and we have a stress free life in the slow lane.

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