School carnivals are a great way to raise money for your school but planning one takes a significant amount of time, energy, and cooperation. You will want to offer a variety of games, events, and food so that you can attract a larger crowd and raise more money. And you will want to take certain factors into consideration when making choices for your school carnival such as the season, the age categories of reasonably attendees, and cost.
Taking care of all the responsibilities yourself will likely be too much, especially if you want your school carnival to really be successful. In addition to seeking help from other parents and staff members you should follow a planning schedule in order to complete tasks efficiently and timely. Three simple suggestions will help you to get started in planning a great school carnival.
Determine Games, Events, and Food – Obviously one of the most important parts of your planning for your school carnival will be determining what games and events you will have and what food you will serve. You will want to choose a wide variety of age appropriate games and events and be sure that you have something there for the adults to enjoy as well.
The foods you choose should be simple enough to prepare for students to be able to offer a helping hand since you are throwing a school carnival. You can find some ideas online or ask for suggestions from students, parents, and faculty.
Organize Responsibilities – After planning games, events, and food it is time to start organizing responsibilities. One way to do this is to provide a sign-up sheet both for at school and one to send home to parents in case some parents would like to contribute by volunteering at the carnival.
Be sure when you are doing this though that you put every little job on the list and double check to make sure you did not miss anything. You do not want to reach the day of the carnival with unassigned duties and nobody to fulfill them. It may be a good idea to even schedule a couple of call on people just in cases any contingencies arise.
Hold a Last Minute Conference Call – To be sure that everything is in order you should schedule a conference call with all of your helpers for the night before the carnival. Touching base with everyone simultaneously is easy with conferencing and is the best way to confirm that everyone and everything is ready for your school carnival.
Right from the beginning of the planning stages you should begin looking for a free conference calling program online so that you can have it downloaded and ready when you need it. You may even find conference calling useful during the planning stages as well. There are so many benefits that conferencing can provide for individuals planning events such as a school carnival so be sure to make use of this useful tool.
A lot of work will have to go into planning a great school carnival but it will be worth it in the end when you see how much money can be raised. Be sure to plan ahead and utilize conferencing and everything should go off without a hitch on the day of the carnival.