Using Conference Calls to Plan a Benefit

Planning a benefit takes a lot of work, and more often than not the people planning it are already dealing with challenges in their life, usually related to a sick or in need friend or family member. This makes planning such an event much more difficult, even despite the fact that there may be a considerable amount of help offered by others. Each stage of the planning process requires multiple steps in order to not only make it all come off without a proverbial hitch, but also in order to make it as profitable as possible, because that is the ultimate goal.

The first stages of the process involve securing the venue, and deciding on the catering, which can both come from the same business or can be obtained separately, depending on what type of venue you have chosen. While this stage will take a bit of time to complete, it is not a task that takes a lot of planning, nor does it require a lot of other people being involved. This is really the only stage of the planning process that can be tackled by a singular person though. The rest of the planning will go much smoother with the input and the efforts of other individuals, but planning and communicating with numerous other people that also all have busy lives of their own is not always a simple task in and of itself. But since it is necessary, it is important to find ways to do this, and one tool that makes it much easier is the conference call.

Conference calls have been being made nearly as long as there have been telephones, but the technology you see used to make conference calls today is a lot different from that that was used when the first conference call technologies were being used. These days conference calls can been held anytime and from anywhere, making it easy to maintain regular communication when planning something as important as a benefit. In fact, there are a number of tasks involved with the planning that can be made much easier with the use of conference calling technology.

• Deciding on Raffles – There are many different ways to raise money at a benefit and selling raffle tickets for prizes is one of them. There are also many ways in which the raffle drawings can be set up. It is important to have all of this decided well before the benefit, and to make it absolutely clear to anyone who is going to be involved in selling the tickets. A conference call between planners is a great way to do this.

• Interviewing Entertainment – Hiring entertainment for a benefit is likely to bring in more guests, and more guests means more money. You want to be selective in regards to the entertainment though, as the situation leading to the benefit is usually a difficult time for those involved. A conference call can help you make an informed decision by allowing you and any other planners to interview possible entertainment choices.

Conference calls are no longer only for businesses, and planning a benefit is only one unique way that you can use them. It will be sure to make your planning easier.