Venus and Mars – In Astrological Houses

These planets when placed in the Birth Chart – introduce an important factors that refer to one's personal love life and relationships or when assessing fortune or problem areas in life.

Venus in a male chart will indicate relationships with female or gentle influences as Mars
helps in determining relationship with males in a female chart. These planets represent opposition poles of energy related to electro-magnetic powers. Venus energy is centripetal or inward pulling as Mars radiates centrifugal force.

Other planetary and zodiacal effects must be taken into consideration. It must be allowed that the following are indications and must be considered as such, and much as a single culinary ingredient does not give a hint as to the final flavor of a dish.

Venus in the Houses

1 This when well expected shows a loving and attractive nature
2 Material possessions give pleasure and are important -with the aesthetic sense strong
3 Pleasure in studies in art, design, interior and the decorative arts and crafts
4 This is a fortun sign regarding good domestic life and early upbringing
5 Often inclined to be in love with love – romantic and strongly focussed on affections
6 None badly expected it is favorable for good health and compassion for others
7 This is an ideal place for marriage and harmonious partners
8 Material good fortune and bequests are often included as a benefit –
9 Travel and a love of change are usual inclinations – whether as career or personal
10 Inherent philosophic attitudes towards peace and harmony – high expectations of others
11 Love of social life is usually the case – or activities in ethical groups and projects
12 The placement here indicates unrequited love or secret associations and affairs

Mars in the Houses

1 A vital, passionate person to whom excitation and advancement is important
2 Friction relating finances or problems through domination of others' fortunes
3 Hyperactivity should be avoided and attention to the art of good communication
4 Care to avoid rash or sudden occurrences and insure against accidents in the home
5 Strong emotional impulses and attractions to the opposite sex need control
6 Build health and conserve energy as a discipline to avoid contracting any illness
7 Ensure financial security through conservation funds – to be independent
8 Indication of violent accidents or is a factor in charts of medical surgeons
9 Avoiding schooling or a special fervor in studies depending upon other factors
10 This gives abundant energy available for business and serious commitments
11 Relationships difficult and sometimes perplexing antagonistic reactions of others
12 Retirement or escape from difficult circumstances is sometimes a factor