Vintage Hardwood Flooring by Anderson

Family owned and operated since 1946 with four generations of ownership, Anderson Hardwood prides itself on quality and consistency, and is considered an innovator in the hardwood flooring industry.

Claiming to be the first to sell hand scraped hardwood, Anderson’s Hickory Forge Collection offers 5-inch planks with 3/8ths inch thickness, made from hickory. This rustic collection of engineered hardwoods is available in Iron, Chaps, Golden Ore, Hammer Glow, Ringing Anvil, and Rushing Bellows colors.

Ringing Anvil boasts a breath-taking dark-chocolate hue, whereas Hammer Glow has a reddish golden color. All the floors in the Hickory Forge collection are perfect if you’re looking for a floor with a country-western feel.

If you’re looking for simple elegance, but still crave a rustic floor, look into the Virginia Vintage collection from Anderson. All woods in this collection are made with 5-inch planks, and are hand scraped. They are made using Anderson’s special five-ply engineered board and sealed with Duratina, the brand’s special aluminum oxide matte finish that comes with a 20-year guarantee.

The Virgina Vintage collection offers 25 different varieties, including Spicy Cider Hickory, Olde Paint Johns Island, Whisey Pine, Burlap Maple, and Sasparilla Brazilian Cherry. Virginia Vintage is available in 5 inch planks, and 3, 5, and 7 random widths.

A third option for a vintage, antique floor would be Anderson’s highly-coveted Coastal Art Collection, made from hickory and oak. The collection is available in 5-inch and 6 ¼-inch planks with the woods hand scraped by artisans.

If you’re a fan of lighter woods, Lighthouse is an excellent choice, made from white oak with ½ inch thickness. It comes in 6 1/2 inch planks.

If you’d like something in 5-inch planks, try Coastal Art’s Pickel Barrel. You’ll be thrilled with the striking color variations of this light red oak, especially when placed in a room with a large window and lots of sunlight.

In fact, you’ll be thrilled with just about any hardwood from Anderson Flooring. It’s a company that has stood, and continues to stand the test of time, just like its floors. To learn more, contact an Anderson Flooring specialist.