Hello readers, today in this free online violin lesson I will be teaching you how to apply violin rosin. Rosin is what makes the violin bow grip the strings producing the sound of the violin. Without we would not be able to play violin. Your bow would simply glide over the strings making a whoosh sound.
To apply violin rosin it is really simple, you have to do is take your rosin cake and glide it a few times up and down the bow. Be careful not to apply too much as this will produce a scratchy sound the excess rosin will also drip off your bow and stain the violin.
You should rosin the bow every 3-4 days depending on how often you play. After a while you will develop a feel for how often you should apply the violin rosin.
Rosin is made out of sap from pine trees and other conifers. It is made by mixing various tree saps together purifying them and pouring the mixture into molds to set. Rosin is semi transparent and is usually dark to light, red in color but can also come in black and red.
Gold and silver can also be is also sometimes added to high grade rosin to increase friction. This is not really necessary is done more out of extravagance than for any useful purpose. This is also the reason why the most expensive rosin cakes cost thousands of dollars.
In America most rosin is produced in the South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf states of the United States. In Europe the main supply is the French district of Les Landes. In the North of Europe rosin is obtained from Scotland.
Rosin is not only used for stringed instruments, it is used in ballet slippers, printing inks, varnishes, glues, medicines, chewing gum, soap, paper sizing and is used to polish glass and lenses.