
What Are the Side-Effects of Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

There are numerous problems that can arise following the removal of wisdom teeth. A common complication is dry socket, an unpleasant problem that develops in the days after extraction. The cause of dry socket is when either the clot fails to form effectively around the wound, or the clot forms but is shed prematurely. Therefore the actual wound is ‘dry’. The bone is uncovered, which can result in a fair degree of pain.

Any dry socket commonly comes from the second day after wisdom teeth removal. The pain from it may spread out from the area and even to your ears. One can notice a bad taste in the mouth and also halitosis. Dry socket is a lot more likely to occur when you smoke within 24 hours of extraction, or if you do not keep to the after-care information your dental-care professional gives.

If you feel you do have the problem, go to your dentist. The socket has to be washed free of any kind of debris. The dentist will then administer some sort of dressing to alleviate your pain and reduce the inflammation in the socket.

Aside from dry socket, there are other possible complications from wisdom tooth extraction. These issues may include extended bleeding, some bruising and infection of the gum around the extraction site. Trauma to your neighboring teeth or alternatively teeth fillings can be a possibility, as is breaking of the roots of the wisdom tooth. If a root breaks, the remaining part of root might be either removed or if it is small it could be left in position. An infection from the bone tissue might set in, but this is rare within healthy people. You may experience some jaw pains and tightness also.

Other side effects might include: Nerve injury with resulting pins and needles around that region. This is a rare problem and usually a short-lived problem if it occurs. It can affect feeling through the lower lip and also chin. It could likewise affect taste and feeling from your tongue area. Another problem is jaw bone fracturing through the force applied when removing the tooth. This situation is extremely rare and in most cases only happens in elderly people, prone due to fragile bone and/or bone disease.

Even though long-term side effects are uncommon, you ought to be informed about the dangers. These dangers should be taken into consideration whenever the selection to remove wisdom teeth is made. You may be more prone to certain side-effects, for example neural damage, depending on exactly where a wisdom tooth lies.

To sum up, getting your wisdom teeth removed may include a fair level of minor surgery. As with just about any surgical procedure, there are certain possible complications. These include frequently encountered problems; for instance dry socket, bruising and/or tenderness. There are then the less likely side effects; for instance nerve damage. Your dentist or oral surgeon should tell you of the possibilities and discuss any of the side effects you’re specifically at risk of.

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