
What is a Body Lift and Who Gets One?

A body lift is an enhancement procedure that enables post bariatric and gastric bypass patients to excise excess skin after tremendous weight loss. It also involves a series of smaller cosmetic surgery techniques that are geared to sculpt and tone the body. Although anyone can undergo a total body lift, gastric bypass candidates and those who have lost a massive amount of weight fairly quickly benefit the most from such a procedure.

This is because those who were once extremely overweight or morbidly obese often have to contend with mounds of heavy flesh as a remnant of their immense weight loss. Far from just merely being aesthetically displeasing, this skin can be prone to infection and uncomfortable.

A body lifts’ primary function is to excise this skin. During this extremely detailed cosmetic surgery, stubborn fat may also be liposuctioned out. Underlying musculature is then reshaped and the skin is pulled taunt over the body’s contours.

There are several types of body lifts available for individuals who want his type of cosmetic surgery, and they fall in the category of an upper, mid, lower and total or total body lift.

Upper body lift

The name of the lift of course corresponds with the area of the lift, for example, arm and breast lift surgeries are often a part of the upper body lift. With the arm lift, doctors remove the hanging flesh of the upper arms that are affectionately known as ‘bat wings’. This skin seldom regains its elasticity and can’t be dieted and exercised away. With the right technique, an arm lift can be performed where the scars are well hidden so you can wear regular tops and shirts without fear of surgical scars showing.

Breast lifts or augmentation can also be a part of an upper body flit as well. The upper body lift procedures you decide on will greatly depend on what your needs are after your weight loss.

Mid body lift

The mid body lift employs cosmetic surgery methods that excises the skin on the abdominal region and back areas. The more common mid body lift, called the belt lipectomy, removed saggy skin and sculpts the abdominals and back. In this way, the waistline is trimmed and smoothed out.

Also called a torsoplasty, a surgeon of some skill can not only make sure skin is removed, but can arrange underlying musculature and tighten the skin so there is little to no evidence that you ever had loose skin over any part of your body. The areas targeted by a mid body lift are the abdomen, love handles, back, buttocks and thighs. Cosmetic surgery areas like the buttocks and thighs are also included in a lower body lift.

Lower body lift

Cosmetic surgery on the buttocks, hips and thighs is often included in a lower body lift. In this procedure, fat is liposuctioned and skin cut away. After sculpting the target areas, the incision sites are sutured and sewn. A mini tuck or full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) may be needed to give the lower body lift the support it needs to tighten.

Compression garments will then be worn during the several weeks of recovery and well after.

Total body lift

A full or total body lift often combines all of these surgeries which are performed over a period of several months. The costs can vary depending on what type of body lift you get, but conservative estimates for a partial body lift are $8,000 to $15,000 and total from $25,000-$50,000 dollars.

Many cosmetic surgery practices offer financing deals, so be sure to comparison shop before settling on a doctor to perform your partial or total body lift surgery.

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