
What is Found Inside Human Semen?

Semen is ejaculated from a male body’s penis after he has reached orgasm, usually through sexual intercourse or masturbation. It is usually a white or yellowish thick liquid that turns watery after it is being exposed to air. There are many chemicals and substances found in semen, and they are there to help protect the sperms when they are released from the testicles.

During ejaculation, sperms are mixed with the fluids that are produced from the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles can produce a large proportion of the seminal fluids, which makes up about 60%. This fluid is alkaline in nature, which explains why semen is slightly alkaline. This is very important for the survival of the sperms when they enter the vagina. They need to travel up to the uterus before any fertilisation can take place. The environment inside her is slightly acidic, therefore the semen can neutralise some of the acids, thus prolonging the lifespan of the sperms.

You can also find a variety of amines such as spermine and cadaverine, which are greatly responsible for the strong taste and smell found in semen.

The seminal vesicles fluid also contain a lot of proteins, fructose, Vitamin C, zinc and other enzymes. Fructose is needed to provide energy to the sperms once they leave the man’s body. Zinc is needed to protect certain DNAs found in the sperms, and a deficiency may lower your fertility rate. You can also find mucus which can help the sperms to move faster in the vagina because it provides a channel for the sperms to swim.

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