
What To Do While Waiting for Your Plumber?

Emergency plumbing problems can occur at any moment, and when it does, seeking for the services of a professional plumber is not enough. Just like in a medical emergency where you can apply first aid treatment where applicable before the ambulance or a medical professional arrives, you also can do some things that can help your plumbing trouble get fixed faster. So while waiting for your professional plumber to arrive, you can do some things yourself that can prevent your plumbing emergency from getting out of hand.

The following are some of the most common steps you can do by yourself when faced with a plumbing emergency:

1. Turn the Water Off

Depending on the severity of the problem, you will have to turn the water off either at its main source or by using the stopcock which can be under the sink or maybe in the downstairs area of your house or office. Make sure to turn off the stopcock in a way that will immediately stop the water flow. You can do this procedure only for minor plumbing problems like a guzzling faucet and a damaged shower head. For a more severe problem, such as water leaking out of pipes, you have to stop the water flow from its main source. Locate your main water valve immediately and turn it off before the damage caused gets out of control.

2. Check for Risk Coming from Electricity

When faced with the problem of water leaks, you should be alert enough to shut down your electricity when necessary. Water is a good conductor of electricity and just imagine the severity of damage if it gets into contact with your electrical connections. So if you notice that the water flow is getting near or over a source of electricity, immediately shut your main electricity source down. It would be very dangerous to let electricity and water come into contact with each other.

3. Start Removing Excess Water

It would be a practical move to start clearing the affected area of any water before it gets to do any further damage. If you can identify where the water is coming from, then you will have a clear idea on how to remove it. Otherwise, you just have to wait for the plumber to clear it as doing it yourself when you have no idea where it is coming from may cause further aggravate any damage.

While plumbing emergencies can be a real headache, using some common sense while you are waiting for a professional plumber will be of much help.

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