
What You Can Do To Maintain Your Septic System

Your septic tank is your private onsite facility for sewage treatment and proper care must be taken to make your septic system perform seamlessly all-round the year. In this post we are going to discuss a few tips for proper septic tank maintenance.

Take Care Of What Goes Into Your Tank

You can greatly extend the life of your septic system by being mindful about the kind of things you put into your septic tank. Never deposit cooking oil, fats, coffee grounds, napkins, diapers, wet-tissues, cigarette ends and other non-bio-degradable substances into your home sewer. These non-bio-degradable substances have the potential of clogging your septic tank necessitating an expensive repair job.

Maintain The Drain Field

The drain field is a primary component of your septic tank which helps to remove the solid waste from the liquid. Given below are a few tips to make your drain fields last long:

• Try not to park your car or drive on the drain field
• Trees should be planed at a safe distance from the area to keep the roots from growing into the drain field.
• Your rainwater drainage system such as sump pumps and gutters need to be kept away from your drain field area.

Inspect Your System From Time To Time

Periodic inspection and proper upkeep of your septic system by a professional would prolong normal functioning of your septic tank.

Go For Pumping Services

Your septic system needs to be pumped out every two years to make sure that all the solid waste is properly broken down. Regular septic tank pumping would not only help to enhance the life of the tank but also help to prevent system failure.

Regulation The Use Of Household Chemicals

Excessive use of household chemicals such as bleach, detergent, drain cleaner etc. can lead to a malfunctioning of the septic system. These household chemicals stop the action of the bacteria in the tank which is responsible for the breakdown of the waste.

Get Help From The Experts

When it comes to cleaning and maintenance of your septic tank you should always rely on the help of the professionals. Your septic service provider would come to your place and thoroughly inspect your septic system for any signs of leaks and damage. They would inspect the sludge layers and scum to determine the source of the problem. Whenever you find the slightest problem with your septic system make sure to call for professional help.

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