
What You Must Know About a Garden Tiller

Let me ask you; is there anything in the world that tastes better than a homegrown vegetable from your garden? If you are like me, and I bet you are, the answer is a resounding, no. For that reason and our love of gardening, being self-reliant we plant our vegetable garden in our backyard. Just thinking about a freshly picked vine ripened tomato from my garden makes my mouth water. A Garden Tiller, ah yes, the mere mention of a garden tool causes pleasant thoughts for most of us, and for others well just let me say, not so pleasant and we will leave it at that.

A garden tiller, a wonderful garden tool that is best used when the soil is not to wet. When you pick-up a hand full of soil and squeeze it to make a ball and it sticks to your fingers, it is too wet. When it crumbles nicely and is not sticky, it is ready for tilling.

Why use a Garden Tiller?

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