A wheelchair scale is used to measure the weight of a person while it is located on a wheelchair. The scale weighs people who can not stand on a regular weighing scale. This scale will give the user a correct and correct reading of his weight. The wheelchair scale gives out readings in a medical beam type of measurement or in the form of a digital readout. They are frequently used in doctor's clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, retirement homes, and of course, in a patient's home.
This type of a scale is very easy to use. The person on the wheelchair is pushed up on the scale and the machine will show the weight of both, the wheelchair and the one sitting in it. Subtract the weight of the wheelchair and you can get the weight of the person.
This is a very simple weigh to measure a wheelchair user and saves him the trouble and pain of being lifted up to a regular weighing scale. It also helps to avoid any sort of injury to the staff assisting the patient. The chances of the handicapped person falling off while stepping on to the regular weighing scale is eliminated with the use of this scale. The wheelchair scale gives the reading quickly, hence saves time.
We must also mention here that people who do not use wheelchairs but have weak knees or wounded legs can use this scale conveniently. Stepping on to the regular may be uncomfortable and painful for them. There is a small ramp in the wheelchair scale, which makes it easier for people with these problems.
There are many types of wheelchair scales available at medical shops and in the online market. Majority of these scales are designed to suit standard sized wheelchairs, however, the weight capacity of each scale may be different. Some of the scales come fully assembled and poses no trouble to the buyer for installing it. A non-skid variety is available that protects the user against slips and falls.
Some of these scales are portable, have wheels on them, and can be shifted to any location. Some other portable models are foldable, which makes these models popular with doctors going for home visits to their patients.
For men and women who can not stand up quickly by themselves, this scale is the ultimate solution to all their worries and miseries. The scale provides a painless remedy to people who wish to check their weight but can not depart from their wheelchair. The fact that he can be wheeled over to the scale smoothly for a perfect reading of his weight is the major factor leading to the growing demand for this scale.