Why Composite Doors Look Great

Composites are the latest in door technology and they are revolutionizing the market. They have been available for a number of years, but they are really starting to become popular now. There are lots of different types on the market, but you need to be careful when choosing because the cheap doors, for example UPVC doors and timber doors, are not as secure as composite ones.

UPVC composite doors do not have the wood grain finish to them and therefore do not have the effect of looking like a traditional timber ones. They just have a UPVC skin over the door, and are still made with a composite sub frame and filled with the same dense foam, which is used in the better quality doors. The main advantage to the all new GRP front door slab, is that it is available over three billion different designs.

The disadvantages to these UPVC doors is that because the skin is made from UPVC it ​​is not so good atstanding up to the harsh British winters, as when the UPVC is exposed to the hot then etc, it will start to warp unlike the composite door slabs which do not warp at all. Also the look of these doors is much better and will never need painting. The time and money you could save on not painting yours year after year is endless. As you will already know they often need painting twice a year and not just yearly.