
Why Wood Floors Are Healthier Than Carpeting

Do you know why wooden floors are healthier than carpeting? Are there allergies, or asthma in your home? Do you have pets in your home? If you have answered yes or no to any of these questions, read on.

I recently had the experience to replace old worn out carpeting with wooden floors. I knew this was a much healthier alternative to carpeting, but until I saw the results with my own eyes, the reason finally sunk in.

When you have carpeting it gets dirty and dusty – covered with animal hair – wet from spilled drinks. All we can do with the carpeting is vacuum. Then periodically once a year or whenever you feel your carpeting is an eye sore, you can hire a professional to come in and steam clean it or do it yourself.

With wooden floors immediately I knew the difference. The floors do require more maintenance especially if you have pets, but the floors are completely clean.

They can be dry moped daily or whenever you have the time, and wet mopped once a week. In this way the dirt and dust disappears and the animal hair is under control.

When you remove your carpeting take a whiff of the odor which is reking from the padding. Look at all the dust and dirt which has collected underneath the carpeting after being on the floor for years.

If you have members of your family with asthma, allergies or upper respiratory problems wood floors which require no glue is the answer.

I will say when you have a wood floor – it is recommended for you to wear shoes at all times. It is better for your legs, feet and your whole body. Even with padding underneath the flooring – it is still hard. It is a small adjustment to make wearing shoes when you are not used to wearing shoes in your home.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read any of my numerous articles on many different subjects.

Copyright Linda E. Meckler 2007

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