Just exactly what is the best way to increase your penis size? There are so many options these days that choosing the right method may seem impossible. Are male enhancement pills the best, or are they just a silly fad? What about penis extenders and stretchers? Do they actually work? There are a lot of different gadgets, some look silly, and some look dangerous. Some even sound promising. For example, will a penis pump make your penis bigger? The idea sounds like it may work, but is there any risk involved in using a pump?
You really have to beware when using any kind of gadget that you must attach to your penis. As for the pumps, the vacuum they create may give you a quick erection, and in most cases an erect penis is bigger than a flaccid one. So, in that respect yes, a penis pump will make you bigger, but only while it is attached! Putting that bigger penis to good use may be a bit difficult while attached to a plastic cylinder, though!
In all honesty, none of the fads, gadgets or gimmicks mentioned thus far will make your penis any bigger. No pill will do it, nor will any extender, pump or stretcher. Each and every one of these methods has risks involved, too. Most enhancement pills contain ingredients, such as yohimbe, that could be harmful to your health. The gadgets could cause injuries, such as blisters and bruises, or worse yet, could damage capillaries, and cause deformity and impotence. None of them will provide permanent growth, so with the risk of serious injury they should all be avoided.
What, then, is the best way to increase your penis size? Good old fashion exercise! Oh, not push ups and jumping jacks, but rather a specific form of natural penile exercise. They are easy to do, and do not require any special equipment. You just use your hands to perform the simple exercises. If you can devote 10 to 15 minutes a day, 4 or 5 days a week to performing a specialized routine you can expect some very dynamic results! Clinical studies have proved gains of from 1 to 4 inches in length are likely, with up to 2 inches of additional girth being normal.
Will a penis pump make your penis bigger? No, and it may actually leave you with a deformed member that is permanently impotent! The safest, and most effective way to increase penis size is with a natural penile exercise program. Why risk injuries? Spend the few bucks for a good exercise program, follow it exactly as written, and within a few months you will be sporting a new prize package between your legs!